This Worksheet has 4 pages, (26 questions), Fully editable!
Questions are about;
- Motion in One Dimension - Free Falling Objects
- Motion in Two Dimensions - Projectile Motion
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This source includes 56 SLIDES;
Linear Motion: Objects moving on a straight line make a linear motion.
Linear motion of an object may be constant, speeding up or slowing down.
- Distance, Displacement, Speed, Velocity, Acceleration
- Average Speed, Average Velocity
- Graphical Analysis
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This resource includes;
- PPT (24 slides with gifs and animated pictures etc.)
- Puzzle (15 pages with answer keys)
- Teacher notes (3 pages and a quick revision worksheet)
To attract the attention of students to the subject, daily life animations were used.
This resource includes 60 slides;
- (questions with Answer key)
- Physics around us...
- Revision,
- HW.
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt AND Tempus Sans ITC)
With this PPT, everything was prepared according to the Syllabus of Cambridge O Level & IGCSE Physics.
With this PPT, Candidates should be able to:
(a) describe the production of sound by vibrating sources.
(b) describe the longitudinal nature of sound waves and describe compression and rarefaction.
(c) state the approximate range of audible frequencies for the healthy human ear as 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz.
(d) explain why a medium is required in order to transmit sound waves and describe an experiment to
demonstrate this.
(e) describe a direct method for the determination of the speed of sound in air and make the necessary
(f) state the order of magnitude of the speeds of sound in air, liquids, and solids.
(g) explain how the loudness and pitch of sound waves relate to amplitude and frequency.
(h) describe how the reflection of sound may produce an echo.
(i) describe how the shape of a sound wave as demonstrated by an oscilloscope is affected by the quality (timbre) of the sound wave.
(j) define ultrasound.
(k) describe the uses of ultrasound in cleaning, quality control, and pre-natal scanning.
Lesson Presentation (Totally 185 Slides):
Dispersion (Splitting of White Light)
The Spectrum of Visible Light: (30 different questions with answers (All are animated & editable!))
Prism & dispersion of light through the prism!
Primary and Secondary Colors of light
Color Addition
Complementary Colors of light,
Primary & Secondary Colors of Pigments (Painting)
Color Subtraction
Colored Filters: (83 Slides, Different questions with answers (All are animated & editable!))
Where have you seen filters used? (Daily life usages)
Seeing Colors: (73 different questions with answers (All are animated & editable!))
Why do objects have colors? (Why does grass look green or a rose look red?)
Understanding the Red-Eye effect,
Rainbow: 19 Slides (Primary & Secondary Rainbows) (All are animated & editable!))
• How is a rainbow formed?
• When can we see a rainbow?
• What makes a double rainbow?
• Why is a rainbow a bow - or arc?
• Is a rainbow a full circle or a half-circle? (Can a rainbow be a full circle?)
• Does a rainbow have an end? (Can we touch a rainbow?)
• Supernumerary Arcs
• Can we have a rainbow at night?
Painting Activity: 10 Slides (Primary & Secondary Colors) (PPT and Pdf: All are animated & editable!))
Colorblindness: Are you Colorblind?
2D and 3D Glasses,
Color on TV,
Physics around us,
Classroom Activities,
If there was no color, what would happen,
Why is the sky blue?
Check Out The Other Videos Below About Dispersion of (White) Light:
This resource includes 16 slides;
(Questions & Answer key)
- Physics around us…
- Review,
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
To attract the attention of students to the subject, daily life animations were used.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)
This resource contains 24 slides;
- Solving problems with answer key,
- Problem-solving strategies,
- Physics around us,
- Review,
- HW.
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
To attract the attention of students to the subject, daily life animations are used.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)
Forces - Bundle
This Bundle includes;
1. Forces – PPT
This resource includes 57 slides;
- Representing a Force,
- Scalar and Vector Quantities,
- Types of FORCES;
• Gravitational force & Weight,
• Magnetic force,
• Electrostatic force,
• Action-Reaction force,
• Friction force,
• Tension force,
• Normal force.
- Physics around us...
- Review.
2. Forces – Quiz
- This source includes 25 questions with 2 pages.
- Questions are about Forces, Mass, Gravity, Scalar and Vector quantities etc.
3. Forces - Quick Review for EXAM
- This source includes 6 pages (42 questions with answer sheet)
- Questions are about Forces, Mass, Gravity, Scalar and Vector quantities etc.
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
To attract the attention of students to the subject, daily life animations were used.
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( PPT 36 slides / Teachers Note - 2 pages / Quiz - 4 pages & 20 questions / Quick Revision - 4 pages / Puzzle - 2 pages) + Answer Sheets
What is snow/snowflake?
How does snow/snowflake form?
Is it true that no two snow crystals are alike? (Why is every snowflake different?)
Did you ever wonder why the snowflakes have six arms and not eight or four? Why?
Why is snow white? (Is snow really white?)
Can snow be seen in many colors?
Why does it get warmer after it snows?
Who discovered that no two snowflakes are alike?
Word bank; (Basic terminologies to assist students!)
Types of snowfall
· Avalanche (snowslide)
· Blizzard
· Graupel
· Glacier
· Hail
· Hailstone
· Ice
· Icicle
· Sleet
· Snow
· Snowflakes
· Snowstorm
· Snow blindness
· Thundersnow
· Winter
· Whiteout
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I hope that you and your students find them helpful!
This Bundle includes;
1. Waves - Wave Properties (Introduction to Waves) – PUZZLE
2. Waves – Sound Waves – PUZZLE
3. Waves – EMW; Electromagnetic Waves (Electromagnetic Spectrum) – PUZZLE
1. Waves - Wave Properties (Introduction to Waves) – PUZZLE
This resource includes;
- Several types of puzzles with answer keys as pdf & word documents, (18 pages)
- Study sheet
You can teach the General Properties of Wave easily with this document.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt AND Tempus Sans ITC)
Vocabulary Words:
Constructive interference
Destructive interference
Diffraction of WAVE
Electromagnetic WAVE
Energy of WAVE
In phase
Longitudinal Wave
Mechanical Wave
Power of WAVE
Speed of Wave
Transverse Wave
2. Waves – Sound Waves – Puzzle
This resource includes;
- 15 different types of puzzles with answer keys as pdf & word documents, (44 pages)
- Study sheet
You can teach the Sound easily with this document.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)
Vocabulary Words:
Audible range
Doppler Effect
Longitudinal Wave
Mechanical Wave
Sonic boom
Threshold of pain
3. Waves – EMW; Electromagnetic Waves (Spectrum) – PUZZLE
This resource includes;
- Several different types of puzzles with answer keys as pdf and word documents, (22 pages)
- Study sheet
You can teach the Electromagnetic Waves easily with this document.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt AND Tempus Sans ITC)
This source includes;
1. Heat and Temperature - Quick review Test
(This document has 4 pages & 40 questions with Answer sheet.)
2. Transfer of Thermal Energy - (Heat Transfer; Conduction, Convection, Radiation) – Teacher Notes
(This document has 2 pages)
3. Transfer of Thermal Energy - (Heat Transfer; Conduction, Convection, Radiation) – Question BANK
(This document has 5 pages 33 questions + Answer sheet)
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
You can get easily student feedback from this subject with these systematic documents.
Lesson PPT: (31 Slides)
This document contains the following topics;
A - Body waves:
1- P waves (Primary waves or Pressure/push waves)
2- S waves (Secondary waves or shear/shake waves)
B - Surface waves:
1- L waves (Love waves)
2- R waves (Rayleigh waves)
You can teach this subject easily with this document.
Question BANK:
(- 51 True/False Questions! + Answer key
65 Multiple-choice Questions! + Answer key)
Revision Teachers Note: (2 Pges)
This source contains;
1. Motion in One Dimension - Freely Falling Objects - PPT (24 slides); (Release, fall, drop, thrown or jumping directly downwards & upwards questions)
(Answer key)
- Free Fall Problems solving strategies,
- Physics around us…
- Review,
- HW.
2. Motion in Two Dimensions - Projectile Motion - PPT ( 16 slides); (Questions AND Answer key)
- Physics around us…
- Review,
3. One & Two Dimensional Motion - (Freely Falling Objects & Projectile Motion) - Question Bank
This Source contains 2 pages, (30 questions)
Questions are about;
- Motion in One Dimension - Free Falling Objects
- Motion in Two Dimensions - Projectile Motion
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
To attract the attention of students to the subject, daily life animations were used.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)
1. Sound Waves – PPT
To attract the attention of students to the subject, daily life animations were used.
This resource includes 60 slides;
- (questions with Answer key)
- Physics around us...
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt aAND Tempus Sans ITC)
With this PPT, Candidates should be able to:
(a) describe the production of sound by vibrating sources.
(b) describe the longitudinal nature of sound waves and describe compression and rarefaction.
(c) state the approximate range of audible frequencies for the healthy human ear as 20 Hz to 20 000 Hz.
(d) explain why a medium is required in order to transmit sound waves and describe an experiment to demonstrate this.
(e) describe a direct method for the determination of the speed of sound in air and make the necessary
(f) state the order of magnitude of the speeds of sound in air, liquids, and solids.
(g) explain how the loudness and pitch of sound waves relate to amplitude and frequency.
(h) describe how the reflection of sound may produce an echo.
(i) describe how the shape of a sound wave as demonstrated by an oscilloscope is affected by the quality (timbre) of the sound wave.
(j) define ultrasound.
(k) describe the uses of ultrasound in cleaning, quality control, and pre-natal scanning.
2. Sound Waves – Quiz
- This resource includes 8 pages with Answer Sheet
You can get easily student feedback from this subject with these systematic documents.
You should install these Fonts for these documents; (Marker Felt AND Tempus Sans ITC)
3. Sound Waves – Puzzle
This resource includes;
- 15 different types of puzzles with answer keys as pdf and word documents, (44 pages)
- Study sheet
Vocabulary Words:
Audible range
Doppler Effect
Longitudinal Wave
Mechanical Wave
Sonic boom
Threshold of pain
You can teach the Sound easily with this document.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt AND Tempus Sans ITC)
This Bundle Includes;
PPT ( 57 slides);
Puzzle (25 different types of puzzles with answer keys as pdf & word documents, (74 pages))
Quick Review for EXAM (6 pages, 42 questions with an answer sheet)
Quiz (25 questions with 2 pages)
Revision Worksheet 2 (36 Questions (4 pages))
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt & Tempus Sans ITC)
This Bundle Includes;
A. Lesson Presentation (Totally 185 Slides):
Dispersion (Splitting of White Light)
The Spectrum of Visible Light: (30 different questions with answers (All are animated & editable!))
Prism & dispersion of light through the prism!
Primary and Secondary Colors of light
Color Addition
Complementary Colors of light,
Primary & Secondary Colors of Pigments (Painting)
Color Subtraction
Colored Filters: (83 Slides, Different questions with answers (All are animated & editable!))
Where have you seen filters used? (Daily life usages)
Seeing Colors: (73 different questions with answers (All are animated & editable!))
Why do objects have colors? (Why does grass look green or a rose look red?)
Understanding the Red-Eye effect,
Rainbow: 19 Slides (Primary & Secondary Rainbows) (All are animated & editable!))
• How is a rainbow formed?
• When can we see a rainbow?
• What makes a double rainbow?
• Why is a rainbow a bow - or arc?
• Is a rainbow a full circle or a half circle? (Can a rainbow be a full circle?)
• Does a rainbow have an end? (Can we touch a rainbow?)
• Supernumerary Arcs
• Can we have a rainbow at night?
Colorblindness: Are you Colorblind?
Painting Activity: 10 Slides (Primary & Secondary Colors) (PPT and Pdf: All are animated & editable!))
2D and 3D Glasses,
Color on TV,
Physics around us,
Classroom Activities,
If there was no color, what would happen,
Why is the sky blue?
B. Quick Review:
This resource includes; (PDF & Word & PPT) - Fully editable!
1- Quick Review for EXAM: (4 pages - 24 Questions / Answer KEY/ 2 Different Groups)
Each question is explained step by step with an animated PPT!
2- Worksheets (Easy & Hard): (8 Pages / 25 Questions / Answer KEY / Each one has 2 Different Groups)
3- Classroom Activity: (6 Pages / Answer KEY / 2 Different Groups )
Questions are about;
• Visible Light Spectrum
• Colors of light
• Colors of Pigments (Paints)
• Colored FILTERS
• Rainbow
• Seeing Colored Objects
• Classroom Activities
• Daily life Examples
C. Question Bank:
This resource includes 22 pages (Word & PDF) (98 Questions with Answer Key) Fully editable!
Questions are about;
• Visible Light Spectrum
• Colors of light
• Colors of Pigments (Paints)
• Colored FILTERS
• Rainbow
• Seeing Colored Objects
• Classroom Activities
• Daily life Examples
D. PUZZLE + Answer Keys (Printable):
Including 9 different types of puzzles with answer keys as pdf, (100 pages – Each one has two different groups!)
1.Types of puzzles;
Crossword, Word Angles, Word Fit, Word Maze, Word Search, Spelling Challenge, Word Trails, Matching, Missing Vowels
Study sheet!
Word bank; (Basic terminologies to assist students!)
Newton (Who realized (explained) first that the white light is composed of different colors?)
Primary (colors of light)
Secondary (colors of light)
Pigments (colors of pigments)
What is the true shape of the rainbow?
Cone (Cells)
Rod (Cells)
Complementary (colors of light)
To attract the attention of students to this subject, daily life pictures were used.
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
I hope that you and your students find them helpful!
Thank you for downloading my products.
You may check out my other related products!
Please do not forget to leave feedback on my products!
If you have any questions, suggestions, or corrections, please email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible!
You may Check Out The Other Videos Below About Dispersion of (White) Light:
This BUNDLE includes;
1 - Simple MACHINES – Lesson Presentation (PPT)
70 Slides...
To attract the attention of students to the subject, daily life animations were used.
2 - Simple Machines – Quiz
2 pages (15 questions);
- Levers,
- Pulleys – (Fixed, Movable, Block and Tackle)
- Wheel and Axle,
- Inclined plane,
- Gears,
- Mechanical ADVANTAGE.
- Several different types of puzzles with answer keys as pdf and word documents, (22 pages)
- Study sheet
4 - Simple MACHINES - Question Bank
(8 pages) 52 questions
- Levers, Pulleys, Wheel and Axle, Inclined plane…
You can teach Simple MACHINES easily with this document.
Everything is ready to be used or easily edited to suit your learners.
You should install these Fonts for this document; (Marker Felt AND Tempus Sans ITC)